Fun Summer Activities for the Family

Getting wet and messy outside!
school-aged boy painting cardboard in the driveway

Summer is finally here! We know you want nothing more than to be outside enjoying this beautiful weather, but going for walks and to the park everyday can get repetitive after a while. So what else can you do? Here are some ideas to keep the whole family busy and happy! 

Sidewalk Chalk/Paint

What you will need:

  • Squirt bottles
  • ½ cup of cornstarch
  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • ¼ cup of water
  • Non-toxic paint

Mix the baking soda and cornstarch together and add a little bit of your water to the bowl. You want the consistency to be much like paint. Once you have the right consistency you can add a paint colour of your choice. Pour the mixture into a squirt bottle and close the lid. Repeat with as many colours as you wish!

The next step is to go outside and let your children decorate a masterpiece on the driveway! You can give them some paper and paintbrushes as well and allow them to paint their own pictures.  

Cardboard Box Painting

What you will need:

  • Boxes! (of all different shapes and sizes)
  • Paint
  • Tape
  • Scissors
  • Imagination

Gather cardboard boxes of all different sizes and put them in the back yard. Provide paint, tape, scissors and let your and their imaginations run wild. Create houses and bug sanctuaries. Build towers and cars. Decorate fairy homes and airplane wings.

Washing the Car

What you will need:

  • Buckets
  • Sponges, rags
  • A little bit of soap if desired
  • Towels

Washing the car, washing their outdoor toys and really anything to do with soapy water can entertain your little one for hours. Be prepared to get wet and have some fun!

Slime Silliness 

What you will need:

  • A large pot
  • A wire whisk
  • Psyllium husks or a fibre supplement with psyllium
  • 1 cup of water
  • Food colouring or juice crystals for added colour and scent

How to do it:

  1. Whisk 1 tablespoon of the psyllium husks, food colouring and water in a pot. Mix it very well and boil it for 5 minutes, stirring often so that it does not stick or overflow.
  2. Pour into a bowl and let cool for a few minutes before allowing your children to play. Next step is to let them go to town!  
  3. Slime is something fun that little ones do not often get the chance to play with. It’s a great sensory activity and is a lot of fun for everyone involved. It can also be a great indoor activity if you can contain it to a bucket or sensory bin.

Adding activities that are not a part of their daily life routine can really engage your child in play. The time you take to focus on the activity can also go a long way in creating that special time that your children need.

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