Antonietta Ferretti is an educator and lives in Toronto with her husband and two children. In 2017, she began documenting recipes she would create for her family on her blog, Simply Pure Simply Fresh.  After her second child, Antonietta quickly realized her family’s lifestyle was doing more harm than good, and a change had to occur. What began as a New Year resolution to reduce her household waste quickly emerged into a new lifelong journey of sustainable living. Inspired by her own parents’ humble upbringing on the farm, there was much to learn about living a more simple life, even in a busy city. Her passion for food and its nutritional value has inspired her to pursue an education in Holistic Nutrition. It has become Antonietta’s mission to educate, inspire and share her passion for sustainable cooking with others. Food waste is an ongoing global issue, which can be reduced by following some simple steps in the kitchen, and Antonietta hopes that by sharing her knowledge, others will be inspired to do the same. 

@simplypure.simplyfresh |
