Arame Kale Avocado Salad with Sesame Vinaigrette

a superfood smash-up rich in iron, minerals, and essential fatty acids
Arame Avocado Kale Salad Sesame Vinaigrette
© Can Stock Photo Inc. / MSPhotographics

Whenever I prepare this salad, whether for a small gathering or at a large retreat centre, it’s sure to be a favourite! I’m proud to say it’s the first recipe in Moreka Jolar and Heidi Scheifley’s cookbook, Hollyhock: Garden to Table and I just love their cute intro to the recipe where they state, “This is the kind of salad that goes straight to your blood bank. It’s so high in iron and mineral-rich that even the ocean gets jealous.”

This salad features some nutritional heavy hitters. Most of us have heard of kale’s superfood status, but did you know that it also contains cancer-fighting goodness? Kale features both indole-3-carbinol, a well-studied substance containing cancer-preventative properties, and sulforaphane, an important chemical that helps boost the body's detoxification enzymes to help clear carcinogenic substances and may help stop breast cancer cell proliferation. Avocados are a triple threat, providing good fats and vitamins C and E all in one tasty package, while the seaweed, arame, is a good source of iodine, calcium, iron, and protein. Plus, the addition of sesame seeds is more than just for their nutty crunch - they’re also high in calcium and rich in essential fatty acids!

Arame Kale Avocado Salad with Sesame Vinaigrette

Check out Dr. Heidi's Cardamom Hazelnut Butter for more delicious ways to get healthy fats into everyone's diet!

Ingredients - for the salad

  • ½ c arame
  • 1 bunch of kale, stemmed and chopped
  • 1 avocado

Ingredients - for the vinaigrette

  • c olive oil
  • ¼ c rice vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp tamari or soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp grainy mustard
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • ¼ c toasted white sesame seeds, plus more for garnish
  • ¼ c cilantro (optional)
  • ¼ c chives or green onions (optional)
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Soak arame in tepid water for 20 minutes, until softened. If preparing the salad in advance, you can marinate the softened arame in a little salad dressing for an extra flavour boost!
  2. Steam kale until just tender. Transfer to a large bowl and allow to cool.
  3. To prepare salad dressing: combine all dressing ingredients in a blender or whisk by hand.
  4. Add arame to kale and toss, adding just enough dressing until well-coated (you will have some dressing left over). Add an additional ¼ c of toasted sesame seeds for garnish and combine until evenly distributed.
  5. Once ready to serve the salad, peel and cut avocados into slices and gently incorporate into salad. Sprinkle with a few more seeds, if desired.

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